5 Reasons to add Subtitles to your YouTube Videos

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What is the second most visited search engine? YouTube. But you already knew that. That’s why you have a YouTube channel. It may have dawned to you that your YouTube channel is as important as your website. But you know what, it’s far more important; for the simple reason that it can set you apart from your competitors. It can and it should.

Now, the major difference between your website and your YouTube Channel is the form of media that you use to communicate with your client. Your website is mainly text based, and your YouTube channel is image based. Subtitling the YouTube videos you upload translates the image media into a text based media. What are the benefits of this? Let me share 5.

1. Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO)

Subtitles make your YouTube videos text searchable and thus search engine friendly. You benefit because your video is ranked higher by Google. End result, you get more views, hits and traffic to your website. Captioning your YouTube videos is a killer SEO secret that your competitors probably don’t know about. That’s what sets you apart.

2. Viewer Flexibility

Your viewers maybe in an environment where access to audio is limited or impossible,  captioning or subtitling your YouTube videos allows them to enjoy it whether they are in a noisy bus, library or in a concert.

3. Improved Accessibility

Subtitles improve the accessibility of your YouTube video and help your message reach a larger audience. Deaf and hearing impaired individuals enjoy greater access to the information in your video.

4. Improved Comprehension

350 million people speak English as their first language worldwide. 1.4 billion people speak English as their second, third, and fourth language. Do the math. Captioning your YouTube videos improves comprehension and retention of your message for all of your viewers.

5. Google Factor

This is an often overlooked factor; but think about it for a minute. If you’ve not uploaded captions for your YouTube videos, Google uses the automatic-machine subtitles to index your video. We all know that those subtitless should not be used for anything else other than amusement. When Google uses them to index your video, there is going to be a mismatch between the content of your video and what search engines see as the content of your video. To avoid this, you need accurate captions of your video and you’ll be able to connect to your target audience.

There you have it, the 5 reason why you should caption or subtitle your YouTube videos. The only probable reason why you wouldn’t manually add accurate subtitles to your YouTube videos is because it’s a difficult, tedious and a time consuming job. And getting someone else to do it for you will peg you back $50-$100 for a 5 minute video. That’s unaffordable for most of us, right? No to worry, you can get your YouTube videos subtitled affordably and accurately here.

If you wish to get more views on YouTube and more targeted traffic to your website, subtitle your YouTube videos. You’ll be surprised by the results!


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